




 愉快なJolly Phonicsと水遊びの毎日です

Wednesday the 18th

Today we had many visitors to our class and the kids met some new friends, I hope they will come and join us here at Wakaba.

We showed them what Jolly Phonics was about, and all the kids did very well and they were all well behaved too.

after the lesson, we all had a little snack together before we had to say Good Bye to our visitors, then it was lunch time followed by play time before their nap time.

Tuesday the 17th

Another day begins at Wakaba, and we continue our jolly phonics lessons with a new letter sound (P)

the action fpr the (P) sound is to pretent you are blowing out candles on a cake, but some kids, it seems, have been taught to blow out a candle is not correct and that you must put out a candle by waving your hand. but we got there in the end.

Fun Friday

The kids had a good time in the park. One of our kid brought a train insect from home and all the children in park liked it a lot.

We also practised Jolly Phonics which is very interesting.



Thursday the 12th

Today we have our PE class , so the kids went down to the park with our sports teacher. They did runing and other hoop activities.

Then they came back to school for lessons, They are making good progress with jolly phonics and learning our daily sentences.

After lessons we had lunch and play time, and so it will be nap time.

Wednesday the 11th

Today we had a visiting student for the kids to play with, and we hope he will join us here at Wakaba-Cosmo inr the near future.


So we continue on with a new lettler sound in Jolly Phonics, all the kids like making the sound of T,after 4r listening to yhe song we did the worksheet, some kids are very good at colouring, once lessons are over we played airplane and i gave the kids rides on my shoulders, there was almost a fight about whoseturn it was next:) then we started to make a present for up coming fathers day, and now it is naptime.





A hot Tuesday the 10th-ジョリーフォニックスは楽しい!


Hello, we are now starting our day by teaching Jolly Phonics first thing, were we teach the kids the sounds of the alphabet, with story book, actions, songs and a worksheet, after this short lesson we head to the park to play for an hour, and boy was it hot today! We also saw two big yellow diggers working in a near lot near the park, the kids were interested to watch them work, then it was off to th swings.

soon it was time to go  back to school, where it is nice and cool, to eat lunch on our stool.

after lunch we will have another short lesson before nap time. 



Jolly Phonicsの後、皆でさんぽに行った帰り道、美容院の軒先にツバメの巣を見つけました。



















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A Rainy Thursday

Well it looks like the rainy season has begun. so our P.E class was held inside today with the kids tumbling on the mat.

We continued on with our Jolly Phonics making the sounds, listening and singing the songs and doing the worksheet.

also we have started teaching our students the first few sentences of 60, all about what the kids do every day.

Wednesday the 4th


Today was a bit cloudy and not a hot as it has been , which is good.

We are  starting a new phonic teaching method today, which the kids seemed to take on well.

After our lessons we went to the park to play on the swings, but today was only a short stay, before we headed back to school.

once back, we had another short lesson before lunch and nap time.