

Tuesday the 9th 敬老の日のカード作り


Well it is now Autumn, and it is not as hot has it was during summer, which I think is good, because we should be able to go back to the parksoon  to play.

We had another visitor today but he was very shy and did not want  to leave mum, but I hope he will still join our little tribe.

All the kids played well today and they enjoyed the fishing game and music chairs





Thursday the 4th

I;m Sorry, It seem a while since I last posted. Well today was a little rainy which is no good for playing out side or doing our P.E Class.

So we pull out the mat for some tumbling exercises, which the kids loved, we did running, jumping, rolling and rolly pollies.

We also had a visitor today, a young girl who joined us for our fishing game, she is a bright wee thing and I hope she will join our happy little school.

satuarday 30

hello everyone!!!


Today was sunny day so the kids were in a very fun mood. We revised all the Jolly Phonics from begining and the kids were absolutely great at it. Then we learned a new letter `J`

today and also words like Jump and Jelly. the kids had fun during the word jelly as they pretend like jelly and shake their body. also during the word jump they liked to jump up and down. so today was a geart day. :)


satuarday 23, fish game

hello everyone!


today was a great  day for the kids. it was rainy in the early morning but then it became sunny, so the kids were in a good mood. we sing the days of the week song and we learned about the wakaba school rules. after that we read a book about fish which is related about our theme of the month. the kids enjoyed the fish game very much, they liked to catch the "big" or "small" fish. the kids also had a nice time at the water pool. 


Wednesday the 20th

Well we had a few kids today, which is good, the school was very lively, the kids enjoyed playing with the blocks, and then after morning lessons we sang and danced to the phonics songs, this months theme is fish, so we had set up a little pond in one of our rooms with lots of colourful paper fish attached with a paperclip and all the kids had cute little fishing rods ( chopsticks, tread and a magnet) they all had fun fishing.

Monday 18th August


Today was the first day after our summer vacation. We had a new summer class student too. He enjoyed the first day with full spirit.

That was really great one and I hope he also enjoyed..He was a smart boy and we did our lessons also well with our after school student.




今日は朝から雨降りでしたね。 わかばコスモのお友達は雨の止んだのを待って散歩に出かけました。






Thursday the 7th

Well we have been have lots of visitors this week.

We had another young girl come to watch our morning lessons today, and the boys where well behaved and did their lessons well.

Afterwards we did our exercises for P.E class, then we could play in the small pool, the younger boy who is usually shy about the water, happily walks into the pool and even sat down.

This is a big step forward for him and I am very happy. :)

Wednesday the 6th ゆで卵おいし~♡

Another hot day at Wakaba, perfect for playing in the bigger paddling pool, what fun! Splashing, sliding and getting your poor sensei as wet a possible, but today I wore my shorts so I didn:t mind getting wet. actually it was quite nice :)

I have been trying to get the kids to sit down in the water and kick. I have had mixed results, but I will keep at it. 

ランチのゆで卵の殻むきに挑戦♢           自分でむいたゆで卵おいし~♡



















