

Cloudy Tuesday

This morning lessons went very well,  our young students are picking up the words and the songs very well.

It is also great to hear them start singing on their own, the ABC song as we walk to the park.

It was a bit cloudy today but still warm enough to play in the park, our kids played well with the other children in the playground too.

all in all we had another good day.

Fun Friday

Today it was a little rainy in the morning so we did not go to the park, but we did our morning lessons and later the children were watching some rhymes on `Animals and young ones', they showed interest watching the small ones and had fun. They also were playing with the trains and they enjoy it..


Warm and Cloudy Wednesday

Today we walked to the park happily singing the ABC song! The children had a lot of energy and played on all the things at the park! Swings, sandbox, monkeybars and the slide! There were many busy ants running around carrying food home, and we tried to follow them and see if we could find their ant hill! We walked back holding hands in a cute little line!

Relaxing Monday 牛とブタをえのぐを使って作ったよ(クラフト)

Today the weather was perfect!

We sang the ABCs and practiced the names of baby animals, then hurried to the park for some exercise. It was so nice out that the children felt relaxed just swinging on the swings and feeling the breeze! For craft time we painted paper animals! We made a cow and a pig!


イースターデイ イベント

今日4月12日 土曜日はイースターデイのイベントをしました。

ハローソングで皆の名前を覚えてから、「Hop Rabbit」を踊ったね。























Fabulous Friday-数当てゲームをしたよ(算数タイム)

Today was a great day with fine weather and the children had a good time in the park playing in the swings and sandbox.

We played a game with numbers before lunch and it was good fun.



Thursday Sports Day 動物親子カードゲ-ムをしたよ♪

Another warm sunny day for sports, so we head for the park to  practice running and following directions, before heading back to school for a well earned lunch.

after lunch we continued our lessons on baby animals.

Happy Wednesday 一社の公園で 滑り台やぶらんこしたよ♪

Today was very warm and we happily took a walk to the park. The cherry blossoms are still in bloom but are falling. The children had fun on the slide and swings.

They were full of energy and during the lesson when I asked `How are you?`, everyone said `Happy!!`



It is great the weather has been so good, after morning lessons where we continued to teach them about the name of baby animals, we headed for the park, the sandpit seems to be the favorite at the moment, but it is also a bit sad and beautiful to see the blossoms have started to fall. When we go back to school we had lunch and we started to decorate some eggs.- Grant


名古屋市☆名東区 子ども英語保育園 わかばコスモインターナショナルスクール 

Spring Monday

Today we sang songs and played games, then went to the park. It was a nice day and the sakura are blooming. We played in the sandbox and on the swings.
