

Saturday, July 10, 2015

it feels great when someone do a lot care when you need it.

today after completed our class when i was resting one of our student offered me his lunch.

i was so touched by seeing his kindness.


friday, july 10, 2015

although the weather is so cloudy, rainy and we did not go to the park

but still we are having so much fun at school.

the kids really like their lesson time as well their playing time too.

it was a wonderful day :)

Monday, July 06, 2015

one of our kids is so good at dancing.

he taught us some new dancing steps ;)

we enjoyed our dancing time :)

Saturday,July 4, 2015

as its rainy today so we did not go outside.

during our class time suddenly one of our student wants to touch the rain drop.

so we went to the window and enjoyed the rain.

kids were so happy and they were laughing while they were touching the rain drop.

amazing moment :)

Friday, July 3, 2015

kids are really so nice. today kids enjoyed playing their game and also their lesson time.

after completing our lesson we played bingo game.

kids were so happy :)

Monday, June 29, 2015 大きくなったら何になる?

we asked the kids that what they want to be when they grow up.

some said doctor, some said engineer, some said firefighter and some of them said policeman,

and some of them said they don't know yet.

having time with the kids is really amazing.






Saturday June 17, 2015 みんなの物語

today kids enjoyed the story time.

after finished the story they started making their own story with their imagination.

i must say they have a strong imagination power.






Friday, June 26, 2015 不思議な動物

our kids are always amazing.

while we were playing with the crayons they colored so many strange things and named them too.

it was so cute, like they drew a circle and named it a lion :)




Monday, June 22, 2015 英語で歌おう

kids like to dance,specially when the song is '' i like to move it, move it''

today 1 of our student started singing while he was dancing with the song.

it's so cute :)

Saturday, June 20, 2015 英語でお話できるよ。

after our class we used to go out for a walk with the kids.

today while we were walking we found a nice dog.

after seeing the dog one of our student said '' it's a dog''

and another student said '' i have a dog''


it was so fun to see that they are making sentences :)