It has started to snow in Nagoya. Its quite cold and windy. Windy everybody should wear warm clothes. Kids enj…
Progress, Saturday-January 16 2016
The Kindergarten students have started learning how to match words with the imprssions in their head. Th…
明けましておめでとうございます。 わかばコスモは今日が2016年最初のレッスン日です。 子ども達はどの子も元気に登園できました。 年末年始も生活リズムは良く保たれていたようで一安心です。 皆様にはこのお休みは楽しく過ごさ…
December 28th, 2015
The new year is almost upon us and soon we will commence 2016. We had a very good year at Wakaba Cosmo intenat…
皆様、この年末はいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 曜日によってはすでに年末のレッスンを終えたお友達もいます。 ウインタースクールは28日までありますので、私達はそれから年末年始休暇に入ります。 私としては年末感が今だに感じられ…
Merry Christmas, 26 december
Merry Christmas everyone. The holidays are upon us and everybody is in a festive mood. We got a full attendenc…
Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!
19th December 2015 Christmas is almost here and so is the cold. In the last few days the temperature has dropp…
November 28th 2015
Today was a cold winter morning with the sun shining bright. Winter has set in Nagoya with lows of 6 degrees a…
Thanksgiving Crafts Day 21st November
We had thanks giving crafts day today where the students wrote down what they were thankful for on peacock fea…
November 14th of 2015
It is a wet and cold day in Nagoya. But that did not stop our little folks to come and enjoy learning English …