Today was a bright day but little windy but still we managed to go the park and the children had a nice time. …
何と言っても楽しい! 外遊びで。スポーツで。毎日のモーニングミーテイングで。自由遊びで。子ども達の笑顔があふれます。 先生やお友達との係わりの中でパパやママと、とは違う楽しさも見つけます。 英語を楽しむ!! 英語を歌や動…
Fun Friday
It was a hot and sunny day and well suitable for play in the park. The park was fully crowded due to the good …
A sunny day at the park!ー英語でスポーツ体験
Today was a super sunny day, perfect for going to the park to play! So all the kids got ready an…
Wet Wednesday
It was a rainy day so we couldn't visit the park instead we did our daily lessons and enjoyed doing some d…
3/27(木)★体験★ 英語でスポーツしよう♪
初めてのお友達も参加できる! ネイティブ講師とスポーツインストラクターで行う体験に参加しよう♪♪ 内容は走ったり、ボール渡しやゲームなど、初めてでも簡単にできる事をします。 まだ、受付可能です。お電話でお申…
Magical Monday
Its getting warm these days and it well suites the children for playing. We had a new student in our school to…
Sports – acrobatics
Today was another rainy sports day, so out comes the gym mat, and we all practice jumping and tumbling. All th…
Wealthy Wednesday
It was a pleasant, the weather is getting fine these days and today we had some vegetable and fruits session o…